
Four generations of sourcing flax

Callin is a family-run business with an ongoing passion for processing and sourcing flax. It’s a story full of dedication and craftsmanship that started in the early 1900’s. Today, the business is still run by the Callens – Vanhaverbeke family. 

Sustainable flax fibres for industrial applications

This “green and innovative fibre” is represented in the daily life of consumers and businesses.

Beyond its applications in fashion, lifestyle and interior decoration, flax is utilised as an important component in a wide range of areas.


About Callin

Leading in sourcing flax

Callin is a family-run business with an ongoing passion for processing and sourcing flax.

It’s a story full of dedication and craftsmanship that started in the early years of the 19th century. In 1986 the company was given the name ‘Callin’.

Now the fourth generation of the family has entered the world of flax.

In the early years at Callin, the main focus was on manufacturing plumbing flax but soon the opportunity arose to source flax fibres such as scutched flax and flax tow.

Today, we are envisioning the future as one of the leading resource players of European flax fibres. Thanks to our highly distinctive characteristics, we are now at the forefront of the industry.


Extensive relations with all European flax growers and scutchers.


Strategically located in Mouscron, Belgium, near France and close to the Netherlands. In these regions, flax grows optimally because of the climate conditions, the privileged soil structure and the hands-on experience of the flax growers.


Our experienced selectors have been raised in a flax environment and travel through Belgium, France and the Netherlands to look for a wide range of flax fibres needed to spin the exquisite flax yarn our clients desire. They have strong market knowledge to ensure that clients are well-informed about the current market conditions and to give them advice.

a first-class European business.


Optimised logistic and warehouse facilities in Belgium and abroad for fast and easy shipments across the globe.

Callin N.V.

Rue du Mont Gallois 64
7700 Mouscron, Belgium

+32 (0) 56 349805

BE 0428.454.641

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